Tuesday, July 15, 2008


As I stepped to climb the coconut tree the office administrator came out and smiled. He was as perturbed as I was but I seemed to be making the best of the situation. Powerless days are becoming the order of the day. With power shortages taking place, different parts of the city have been affected by intermittent power supply. The worst part for many is that it is unscheduled, and goes out about four times a day.

With an increased consumption around 30 percent since last year combined with maintenance at the thermal power station, electricity has become a scarce resource. If this was not enough re-alignment of pipelines means no water pumping from today till Saturday making 60 areas of the city rely on self sufficiency and conservation from their roof tanks.

Any work on the computer now has to be saved at short intervals as electricity could go at any time. As for me I keep trying to make the best of the situation by talking to people in the office about topics ranging from politics to development. It is a hassle not to have power but we make the best of it and carry on.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So why not solar power? There was an article in the other day in HT or TOI about it. India's greatest liability could be become its greatest asset nah?